Thursday, May 24, 2007

The question "why?"

The day after we found out that we were miscarrying Gianna, we had our holy hour. While in adoration, I questioned God asking "why": why did we need another miscarriage; why wasn't one enough; why do they have to happen at all; why would He give our girls life only to take it away a few weeks later? The answer was hard; not a reason at all, but questions back to me: "Why do you sin?," "Isn't it for your sins that my Son died?" God was being my Father. He wasn't belittling my mourning, but He was letting me know that I don't need to question why He does the things He does. He is perfect. He knows what He is doing, and He does EVERYTHING for our good, even to the point of sending His own Son to redeem us from our sin, something we are not worthy of, and yet He extends His mercy. The fragility of life is a reminder to us that we need to strive eagerly to live a life of holiness, to rid ourselves from sin, and to trust completely in God's mercy.

Sometimes I get little glimpses of why we are called to struggle through this...because we have intercessors in heaven, because we can minister to others through it, because we can unite our suffering to Christ's and thus break ourselves from sin, because we can offer those sufferings for the good of the world, and, in our case, especially for the end to abortion. Accepting the death of our little ones is accepting the will of God. And we need not question the will of God, only spend our lives doing whatever He wills.

"Therefore, since Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same attitude (for whoever suffers in the flesh has broken with sin), so as not to spend what remains of one's life in the flesh on human desires, but on the will of God." 1 Peter 4:1

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Thank you for this post. Though our suffering is different I can relate so much to the depth of suffering you have endured. I really needed to hear the scripture verse at the end... right now in my current suffering it refocuses my heart.

May our Father bless you for your obedience.