Monday, September 17, 2007

What I heard that I didn't want to hear

There were so many things that I heard when telling people of our miscarriages that I didn't want to hear...things like "you're young, you'll have more," "there must have been something wrong with the baby," "your son must not be ready for a little brother or sister" and perhaps the worst was "it was just tissue." How are we to respond to people who say things that are not sensitive, true, or comforting? I am sure that most people mean well when they respond with comments like these, so I usually (if I'm in an emotional state where I can do this) try to gently and lovingly present them with the truth. I do this for each and every one of you, so that God willing, word will get around and not everyone will have to hear these things; I do it for the person making the comment because they probably do not realize that what they are saying is hurtful, not helpful; I do it for the sake of my baby and all babies, who need the world to realize their humanity; and I do it for God because I want the truth of His creation to be known throughout the world. If I'm not in the emotional state to be able to do this, I simply pray. Pray that the truth will penetrate our culture, and pray that despite what others may say, I will always remember the sanctity of each and every human life.

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