Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Saints embrace our children

Our children our in perfect company, the company of the Saints and angels in heaven. And the Saints embrace our children! (We always want our children to have good, holy friends don't we??)

With our first miscarriage, we named our daughter Ariana Faustina. We chose "Faustina" after St. Faustina Kowalska, who brought us the devotion of the Divine Mercy. Our priest offered a holy Mass in rememberance of our daughter in the chapel at our parish. When we entered the chapel for the Mass, there was a beautiful Divine Mercy image to the right of the altar. My husband, thinking Father had placed the image there since our daughter was named for St. Faustina, went up to thank Father after the Mass. He told Father "thank you for putting the image there, it meant a lot to us" and Father said he had not even thought about our daughter being named for St. Faustina, and that he had not put it there for the Mass. The image, he explained, was an apostolic Divine Mercy image that had been blessed by Pope John Paul II, and it was the only one of its type in the United States. It travelled from parish to parish around the U.S. and it was only at our church for one day and when we set the date for the Mass, no one had any idea it would be there.

Coincidence? The world may tell us this is just a crazy coincidence...but we know better. We believe Christ and St. Faustina were comforting us, showing us God's Divine Mercy, and that our little daughter was there with them, embraced by St. Faustina and all the Saints, embraced by her Mother, Mary, embraced by Christ Himself.

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